I know I'm a little late... We went to Vegas the first 2 weeks of December to visit The family. It was so much fun The kids got to meet all of their cousins again, They just loved it! I miss everyone so much already! I wish we were closer....Here are some pics... (Shelly thanks for the pics you sent me...my camera was junk!)
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!! I hope you all had an awsome Thanksgiving with family or friends. Just had to share my black friday experience. Sorry no pics to go along with this blog! I wish I had pics for it though! Would've made it a bit more interesting!!
So I decided to do some shopping with my friends being that there were so much sales. First we went to Waikele for Midnight Madness. That was truly madness! The lines in the store to check out were about 1 hour long! People were pushing and shoving it was crazy! I didn't think it could get any worse.
Well then we decided to check out Walmart. A couple of our friends were there and said it wasn't to crowded, so we met them there. We got there at about 2:30am, and I was already thinking to myself...is this really worth no sleep??!! I decided to just stick it out and experience the craziness at walmart...I had heard so many stories from friends about people going crazy over sales and I was kinda curious.
I never thought that people would be so dedicated to sales So first I thought I would get the kids a portable dvd player, but the crowd around that pallet was growing by the second, and people were getting punchy, so I went to one pallet after another until I found an area there wasn't too many people so I figured I'd wait there till the palettes were openeed(All the pallets were going to be opened at 5am)
Okay so it's 5am, the pallets were opened and everyone turned in to crazy people! There were like 50 grown poeple pushing and shoving trying to reach into one basket! I was thinking this is crazy I am not going to fight people just to buy something thats on sale?! Then I hear screaming behind me so I turned around to see the people by the portable dvd players and it was worse! Boxes were flying in the air, and there were people fighing and screaming!!!! I am so not exagerating! It was probably worse than it sounds!
I couldn't believe what was happening, I was shocked! So what did I do??....I dropped my basket with whatever I had and I left! I was not going to be a part of that madness! At least now I know how it is to shop in walmart on a black friday...But believe that I will never ever shop at a walmart on a black friday ever again! Kaipo won't be too happy that I went out shopping for hours and come home with nothing! I'm not so happy that I stayed up all night at walmart got nothing not even a little sleep... Now I am at work wondering why the time is going by so slow...I just want to sleep! Well, it was an experience to remember!
For those of you that have not shopped at walmart on black friday, I do not recommend it at all!!!!
Finally my first post. Thanks Shelly for introducing this to me! Its fun! I'm not much of a writer but I love to share pictures enjoy! So I guess I will start with Halloween. We did trunk or treat the Saturday before Halloween then We went trick or treating with Masen and His family. Once the kiddie halloween time was over I went out with my uncle, aunty, sister and some friends to see all the other crazy costumes. =)
Kai Mase and Kris at Trunk or Treat....It was raining so we went door to door inside.
Baby Kaips is a little fireman
Kaileen and her BFF Taylor
Me n the work peeps all dressed up
Barbie princess and Pikachu
Kris, Kai, Mase, Mello, Heaven, and emma
Uncs rented a limo for all of us to hang out halloween late night...waikiki and downtown...Good times! =)
Look everyone I met the teletubbies right before we left! haha!!